From Solstice To Equinox
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TitelFrom Solstice To Equinox

Nocturnal Emissions was founded in 1980 by Nigel Ayers together with collaborators Daniel Ayers and Caroline K. They have released numerous records and CDs in music styles ranging from electro-acoustic, musique concrete, hybridised beats, sound collage, post-industrial music, ambient and noise music. The sound art has been part of an ongoing multimedia campaign of guerrilla sign ontology utilising video art, film, hypertext and other documents. Early albums on the band's own Sterile Records were harsh noisy affairs, until Songs Of Love And Revolution turned to near synth pop melodies. Matteo Uggeri is an Italian visual designer and composer from Milan. He invests himself in sound poetry of everyday life, organized around a vast array of personal field recordings and melodic compositions meticulously arranged in a story-telling way. He has been active in music since 1996 and has collaborated with many groups from the Industrial scene. This new album finds him working with UK's electronic music pioneers Nocturnal Emissions. Together, they create dub-oriented beats with cut-up vocals that are hard to fit into a genre. It's a playful affair and a pure pleasure to listen to.

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Ambient - Abstrakt - Artrock - Avant Rock - Avantgarde - Black Metal - Contemporary - Dark Ambient - Darkwave - Drone - EBM
Electroacoustic - Electro - Electronic - Experimental - Field Recording - Folk - Glitch - Hardcore - Industrial - Improv - Indie-Rock
Industrial - Krautrock - Lo-Fi - Minimal - Musique Concrète - New Wave - No Wave - Noise - Post-Punk - Post-Rock
Progressive Rock - Punk - Rhythm'n'Noise - Sound Art - Sound Poetry - Soundtrack - Spoken Word - Synth-Pop